My top reviewers of 2023
All those who know me, know that I don't read. I have nearly completed Dragon Mage, though! Yay for audiobooks at the office! Anyway, while others are busy making their "top reads" of the year, I figured it's time to show my appreciation to those who show so much love and appreciation for us!
So, kick back, grab a margarita, and be sure to follow everyone on this list. There are no exceptions. This is the price of admission.
Now venture forth, good sir, and find yourself some new bookish friends to love and adore!
Grimdark Magazine / John Mauro
Grimdark and John have been two of my biggest advocates since I joined the twitterverse. I had always wanted to be featured in GDM, and it was mind-blowing to have received THREE five-star reviews for four of my books! Alongside the amazing team and content, I’ve made a great friend in John as well! Adrian and his team are professional, kind, and have a deep love for all things DARK. They’ve recently added the beautiful Esmay Rosalyne to their team, which I am SCREAMING about!
They take their time to review and share their love of indie authors, which will always hold a special place in my heart.
Dublin Book Review
Dubsy Wubsy has been my main village man for quite some time now. He first read my book many a years ago, before I ever stepped foot into the twitter world and met all you wonderful people. In fact, Dubs convinced me to JOIN twitter. That’s right. You should all thank him for the wonderful presence that is me. He helped boost my page and I account so much of my social success to him. And he’s somehow managed to ensnare a pretty lady! They’re getting married soon, and I better be getting an invite to the wedding! All expenses paid. Thanks Dubs!
Beard of Darkness
Where would we be without Beardy? I’ll tell you, not on youtube at 9pm, that’s where. He’s such a great guy and a HUGE advocate for indie authors. His channel skyrocketed so fast, and he’s had so many wonderful people on his channel. Mrs. Beardy is also an incredible lady! She has a shop to create merchandise for indie authors at a very affordable price! Go check out his channel, subscribe, and then visit his store to further extend your reach!
Charlie Cavendish
CHAHLIE FROM DOWN UNDA!!! He’s my BFF, so of course he had to make the list. After Sadir betrayed me by naming Boe as his BFF, I had to go on the hunt for another, and Charlie was in the chat, so he was promoted on the spot. YAY CHARLIE! Charlie is such a great person, always willing to have a nice chat and is such a great promoter of all things indie. He started his journey as a humble Roo and has since risen in rank, landing himself a spot on the illustrious FanFiAddict!
A Fictional Escapist
The only reason I’d ever wanna live in Australia (aside from being with my BFF CHAHLIE) is to be BFF’s with Kris! He’s such a stellar guy and has a deep, genuine love for books. We made an instant connection far before I was ever introduced to Twitter and every time we get going there is no stopping us! He’s read, loved, and reviewed all my books and created the SFF Community Project, which has helped spread hundreds of indie SFF books across the Brisbane area through Free Little Libraries!
Esmay my Queen
Esmay is such a delightful human and reads through books faster than I can type out this review! We bonded over my hatred of Fourth Wing, and I felt personally betrayed when I found out she actually LOVES that book! HOW DARE YE!! While she still hasn’t given my books the five stars they clearly deserve, she gets a 9.99/10 from me! ( -0.01 for your love of Fourth Wing. Better luck next time, my queen 😉)
David and Jeeves
What can I say? Dave is a stand-up guy! Always sending me crazy ass reels of Garron Noone and complaining about cinnamon jelly beans. His reviews are really creative, using the authors last name or character name as a basis for how he writes them. It’s really unique and so fun to read, plus, he’s given all my books 5 stars, so I guess he can make this list.
(I’m writing this review against my will. His rabbit, Jeeves, is forcing my hand. Send help. Or carrots.)
Honorable mentions:
Jeremy Schwab (Follow him NOW! Hype this guy up as much as he hypes us!)
Thank you to EVERYONE who has read, reviewed, and shared your love of all things indie! I wish I could name you all. But you know who you are <3